If you work in a company or looking for a job then you must have a LinkedIn account. It is a perfect place for professionals, freelancers, and students to find better opportunities in their careers.
LinkedIn provides lots of tools like posts, messages, and articles using which you can share your experiences and abilities with like-minded people and organizations to receive better job offers.
But what if you lose your important Linkedin messages, posts, and articles? Are they recoverable, if yes then how? Keep reading the article to know how to recover deleted LinkedIn messages.
Quick links
- What Happens When You Delete A LinkedIn Message, Post Or Article?
- Can I Restore Deleted Posts On LinkedIn?
- How To Recover Deleted LinkedIn Messages?
- Alternate Method To Retrieve Deleted LinkedIn Article
- Is It Possible To Recover Deleted LinkedIn Messages And Posts?
- FAQs
What Happens When You Delete A LinkedIn Message, Post Or Article?
A Linkedin post, message, or article gets immediately deleted from your account as soon as you hit delete on them. There is no backup or any trash bin facility using which you can recover deleted messages on LinkedIn. Therefore, you should archive your important messages instead of deleting them because once deleted, the messages are gone for good.
Can I Restore Deleted Posts On LinkedIn?
Recovering deleted Linkedin messages is nearly impossible once they are removed from your LinkedIn account. The same is the case with LinkedIn posts and articles, as they are also gone for good once you delete them. But, is there something you can do to retrieve the deleted Linkedin messages, posts, and articles? Well, learn more about that in the following section.
How To Recover Deleted LinkedIn Messages?
As I told you, it is not possible to recover a deleted LinkedIn message. Once you delete a particular message it is deleted from both sides of the conversation and this process is irreversible. However, if you delete the entire chat thread then the messages are only deleted from your side. If that’s the case then you can ask the other person to send you the important message again.
The better way to secure your LinkedIn messages is that you archive them instead of deleting them. If you don’t know how to archive LinkedIn messages instead of deleting then follow these steps;
- Go to the conversation that you wish to Archive.
- Tap on the three dots icon on the top right side of the screen.
- Now from the options that pop up, choose Archive instead of Delete to hide the messages from your inbox.
Apart from archiving your messages, you can also download a copy of them on your device to keep a backup of all your LinkedIn messages. Not just messages but you can even download your old posts and articles so that you can recover them in case they are deleted.
If you don’t know how to download your messages, posts, and articles then you can follow these steps:
- Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to Settings > Data Privacy > Get a Copy of your data.
- Next, you choose to download all your data at once or you can select specific data to download and click on Request archive.
With this, your data will be downloaded to your computer. Make sure you keep exporting your data from time to time so that you don’t have to lose your important stuff on LinkedIn.
Note: This copy will not include deleted LinkedIn messages, posts, or articles. It only includes the stuff that is currently present on your account.
Alternate Method To Retrieve Deleted LinkedIn Article
There is no alternate way to restore deleted LinkedIn posts and messages. However, in the case of LinkedIn articles, there is a workaround that might help you retrieve deleted LinkedIn articles.
The articles you write on LinkedIn are also indexed in the Google search results. This means Google must have cached your article by taking a snapshot of it. Google does it with all indexed articles so as to create a backup of them in case the page becomes inaccessible for some reason.
If you wish to find out how to see articles cached in Google search results you can check out this guide.
Is It Possible To Recover Deleted LinkedIn Messages And Posts?
It breaks my heart to tell you that you can’t recover your messages and posts once they are deleted unless you have already archived them. In the case of deleted LinkedIn articles you still have a chance to recover them since you may find a cached version of your article on Google. However, the chances are less for that to happen.
Even if you find the deleted article you won’t be able to recover the likes, shares, and comments that people have made on your article. So it’s better you focus on writing more engaging posts and articles on LinkedIn and stop crying over spilled milk because that cannot be undone.
Is There A Way To Recover Deleted LinkedIn Messages?
The only way to restore LinkedIn messages is through the archive. If you have not archived your posts then there’s no way to retrieve deleted LinkedIn messages.
When You Delete A Conversation On LinkedIn Can The Other Person Still See It?
Yes, the other person can still see the message threads.
Does LinkedIn Have Disappearing Messages?
No, there is no disappearing message facility on LinkedIn.