Best Hard Drive Repair Software For Windows 10

If you own a PC, you are always at a risk of your hard disk drive getting corrupted or damaged. It doesn’t matter if you are owning a hard disk from high-end brands like Seagate, Samsung, Toshiba, etc., one day or the other, the hard drive is definitely going to get corrupted. It’s as sure as eggs is eggs.

Hard drive failure can happen due to umpteen reasons. Heat can be a cause of it or if your drive is old or past it then it has a higher possibility of getting damaged. A virus ambush or a power screw-up can also be the root of disk failure. And if you ignore the ‘handle with care’ instruction then also this mess can unfold.

In the upcoming section of the article, I have mentioned some of the best hard drive repair software for Windows 10. These are all tried and tested software, that can help you repair your corrupted hard drive, or at least recover your valuable data from it. Stick around and figure out how.

Quick links to specific parts of the article:

How To Know That My Hard Drive Is At A Soaring Risk Of  Getting Damaged?

Before failing, your hard disk drive will fork out some signs that it’s not in a very spiffing state or is going to fail soon. If your system is lagging a lot or the applications are freezing while in process, it’s a clear sign that your drive needs some heed. Apart from these obvious reasons, the blue screen popping up, non-booting PC, odd noises from the drive, bad sectors, and corrupt files are also an indication of the hard drive failures.

Best Hard Disk Drive Repair Software For Windows 10

I have tried and tested some of the optimal software in the market for drive repairing and file deletion recovery for Windows 10. Here are my top picks.

1. EaseUS Data Recovery

EaseUS Drive Repair Software

Recommended For: Fixing hard disk failure and data recovery.

EaseUS Windows 10 chkdsk software is completely based on data repair. It runs a deep scan and organizes all the files found while scanning and allows the user to restore those files. The files deleted from the Recycle Bin using the “Shift + Del” command, or deleted from detachable storage devices can be brought back. Even if the drive is inaccessible or corrupted, this application can fix that too.

EaseUS Data Recovery

Personally, the feature which I found most enthralling was that you can choose a particular folder from where your files went missing and restore the vanished files from there.

EaseUS Data Recovery for Windows works in several cases of data loss. In case you’ve lost your data from an SD card, external hard drive, flash drive, thumb drives, or jump drives, EaseUS has taken care of that too. Also, it can restore data from the drives with humongous storage capacity, up to 16TB, which is certainly baffling.

If you’ve accidentally had your computer formatted, permanently deleted a file, your operating system crashed or your media card is not working and explicating ‘media card error’, that has also been looked after. All these snags will be disentangled and your drive will be repaired.

  • Can support more than one kind of device
  • You can load scan sessions to save time
  • Data Recovery works
  • Scanning takes more than the usual time
  • Unpaid versions cannot recover data

Click Here to Try EaseUs Data Recovery

2. Disk Drill

Disk Drill Hard Disk Repair Software

Recommended For: Repairing and recovering data from your hard drive.

Disk Drill is the handiest and featureful software among all other software in this list for hard disk repairing. According to my research, this gains the most ground in terms of data recovery. Coming back to the features of this software, the most apex one is the continuity of sessions. If you run a scan and it’s taking a lot of time and you want to continue it in due course, you can. Not only the scan, but you can also carry on with the drive repairing and data recovering process in intervals, according to your desire.

disk drill

The prominent characteristic of this software is the reconstruction of files. I would like to explain that with an example. Suppose your drive has bad sectors or got corrupted and a few of your files are not opening, you can reconstruct those files.
A1 attributes are a dime a dozen when we speak of this disk recovering software.

You can even filter which files you want and which you don’t by using the preview feature of this software if you don’t require all of the deleted files.

With the “attach disk image” feature of this program, you can repair your hard drive without having physical access to it using its image. I tested this feature for my pen drive image and it worked!

It’s easy to use, still, if you want to know how to use this software, you’ll find a ‘how to use video’ link in the app itself. Great. Isn’t it?

  • Save and load scan sessions
  • Deep scan
  • Preview before restoring
  • File reconstruction
  • Paid version is daylight robbery ($500)
  • Free version can restore only upto 500MB of data

Click Here to Try Disk Drill

Read our detailed review of Disk Drill to learn more about it.

3. WinDirStat


Recommended For: Getting a visual of file arrangement in your hard disk drive.

Before you go searching through all the bad sectors in your drive and fix them to repair the hard drive, STOP!

It might happen that you have nothing but useless files in the bad sectors of your drive. And going through all that will throw away the time as if it’s nothing.

WinDirStat isn’t a data recovery or hard drive repair software but it permits you to have a proper visual of the storage on your hard drive by sorting and arranging all the files according to their format. It will show you the files in form of rectangles. The size of the rectangle represents the size of the file. The bigger the square, the larger the file.

The treemap showing rectangles of different colors depicts different files formats. You can highlight all the rectangles (files) belonging to a particular file format by selecting it at the top right section of the software. By clicking on any rectangle, the location of that file will be revealed along with its format, size, and other details.

From here you can easily have a clear map of all your files and you will be able to sort out the necessary files from the bulk of cached, temporary, and junk files.

  • Proper storage layout
  • Free software
  • Does not help in data recovery
  • Does not support cloning
  • Limited to mapping

4. Advanced System Optimizer

Advanced System Optimizer

Recommended For: Maintaining the health of your hard drive.

If you maintain a good state of your drive, you wouldn’t need a repairing program or worry about repairing your hard drive. Advanced System Organizer is a regular PC maintenance tool to take care of this mess.

Using this hard drive repairing software you can optimize or clean the drive, undelete a file, perform backup and data recovery.

If you want an extra hand to take care of your system’s security, ASO’s ‘System and Security Advisor’ will help. By running a security scan and checking the status of antivirus and firewall, ASO will save the drive from corruption.

If your disk has any major issues, Disk Tools will help you. Under this section, you’ll find an option to run a scan on the hard drive and automatically solve the issues. Doing this will ensure that there isn’t any data loss in the future.

From common issues in the drive to the soaring risks, ASO has a tool for almost every hassle.

  • Unclutter hard drive by removing unecessary and junk files
  • Advanced hard disk security options
  • Data recovery tool doesn’t perform too well
  • Free version only available for 24 hrs

5. AOMEI Partition Assistant

AOMEI Partition Assistant

Corrupted MBR (Master Boot Record) is another reason behind drive corruption. AOMEI Partition Assistant can help rebuild, resize MBR and empower you to do quick partitions on the drive.

After using it for a long time, what I felt enthralling about this software is that you can create and resize partitions, the way you require them. This software will also enable you to convert a GPT disk to an MBR disk.

Disk cloning, disk defrag, and booting are just other intriguing features of this repairing tool. Disk cloning can be done in two easy steps. If you want to clone and resize the used sections only, select the quick cloning option and, if you wish to clone the whole disk, you’ll get an option for that too.

Another highlighting feature of this software is that you can run a Disk Surface Test. This will give a proper bad sector count.

  • Supports operating system migration
  • Runs on both HDD and SSD
  • Helps in making bootable USB
  • Limited options for unpaid users
  • Don’t have any mapping tool
  • Cannot repair bad sectors

What To Expect From These Hard Disk Repair Tools?

After days of research, trial and error, I shortlisted all the software that cover and cleared up the reasons related to disk or drive damage. These are all different software with different uses. Each one of its own kind.

From bad sectors to MBR to file deletion by mistake, there is a quick fix to every stumbling block. Oftentimes we don’t know what’s wrong with the drive. No need to worry about that. Checking the issues with the drive and refitting them, these software will do it all.


Can I Fix an external drive using these softwares?

Yes. If you want to attach any alien drive to your computer for repair, you can do it. EaseUS and Disk Drill can help you do so.

Does these softwares support Windows 10?

Yes, I’ve tried and tested all the above-mentioned softwares on Windows 10. Some of them also support the earlier Windows versions, some don't.

My drive is broken. Can I fix them using these softwares?

If your hard disk is severely damaged physically then these software may not help and I recommend you to get it checked by a professional. Having said that, you can fix logical errors such as bad sectors, corrupted MBR, and recovering lost data.

About Me

I’m Satyam Pandey, a fellow data hoarder who keeps accidentally deleting files from time to time. I decided to start this blog after recovering all of my deleted high school photos from my old hard drive. With a knack to test data recovery software and see how well they perform I decided to create this blog.

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